Friday 29 January 2010

Example of POV Shot

This is a good example of a point of view shot. This is effective for showing someones point of view and lets the viewer see what the character is seeing.
We are planning a POV shot in our thriller opening but in a different way as we are planning on showing a very rushed shot which shows little detail to leave the viewer on the edge, wondering what is happening. This shot will help create a scene of madness and danger, leaving the audience feeling uncomfortable. We are then going to restrict the POV shot to a view through a cupboard door. This will create a restricted view which worries the audience as they will not be able to see what is going on.
There will be diegetic sound but the audience wont be able to see exactly where it is coming from. POV shot will end with the consequernces of what the audience can hear but cannot see. This consequence is a dead body, the brother of the character that the POV is from.

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