Tuesday 23 February 2010

Call Sheet 2

We are planning to film the second section of our film on @@@@@@@@EDITDATE@@@@@@@@.

Obtaining Camera - We have decided that William Viney will be collecting and returning the camera, tripod and equipment.

Location - For our location, we have chosen to find a quiet room within the college. The room will need to look less like a college and more like a house.

Lighting - We are planning to on using little light which will add to the distortion as it will be hard to see whats going on.

Actors - All 4 of us will need to be there because Saul, Will and Hakan will be acting and Jack will be filming. Saul is playing the bad character in this scene and will need to learn some lines and so will Hakan. Will will not to speak as his character is silent.

Film Crew - Jack will be filming on the day and directing with help from Saul.

Props - We will need a fake gun which will be used by Saul to kill Hakan. We also need 2 black peices of paper to create the illusion that Will is in a closet.

Back up plan - We will not need a back up plan as the weather can not foil our plans.

Sections filmed in this call - We will film indoors at the college.

Shots - The shots we will cover in this scene are - POV, canted angle

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